Friday, November 15, 2019

le 15 novembre


Today we worked on ordering numbers and identifying them out of order. This is still a bit tricky, so we count manipulatives, order number tiles, represent numbers in many ways (tallies, ten frames, dots....) and play games like Boum, Fill the Cup and Number Path games. This is a great area of practice for home. Tell your child to show you a number with some sort of manipulative and then ask what happens if you add 1, take away 1, add 2 etc. Do they need to recount each time or can they add on/take away and remember what number they had?

Boum: Write the numbers from 1-20 on slips of paper. Include 4-5 slips that say Boum. Put them in a bag, drawn them at random. Say the number and keep your slip of paper. Continue on to the next player. If you pick the Boum card you have to put all of your slips of paper back in the bag. The player with the most cards win.

Fill the cup: Each player has an empty cup (a small cup that holds about 20-30 of an object). Players take turns rolling a die and adding that number of cubes/legos/cheerios/beads/rocks etc into their cup. The first to fill the cup wins. Count how many objects you have.

Number path games (you can google blank "follow the path templates" to get a whole variety for free). Fill in the blank squares with numbers, get a die and some playing pieces and play the game. The objective is to get to the end while identifying the numbers you land on.

I have many digital copies of these games, if you email me I am VERY happy to share them with you and your family.

Mme Zdrill will be available for conferences from 8am-1pm if you'd like to speak with her. Mr Trevor will also be present.

The school is beginning to collect for the Food Bank. Boxes are currently in the hallway by the entrance if you would like to participate in our food drive.

Bon weekend!

Next week:
-Library Wednesday
-Conferences all day Thursday (no school for students)
-No school Friday

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